Table of Contents
- JsonLdParser
- Thin wrapper providing RdfInterface\Parser API for JSON-LD the parser
provided by the ml/json-ld library.
- JsonLdSerializer
- Thin wrapper providing RdfInterface\Serializer API for JSON-LD the parser
provided by the ml/json-ld library.
- JsonLdStreamSerializer
- A steaming JsonLD serializer. Generates output in the flatten JsonLD format
and does it in a greedy way (meaning subjects/predicates/values are acumulated
within graph/subject/predicate only if adjacent triples share the same
graph/subject/predicate). On the brigh side it's fast and has minimal memory
- NQuadsParser
- Parses only n-quads and n-triples but does it fast (thanks to parsing in chunks
and extensive use of regullar expressions).
- NQuadsSerializer
- Serializes n-quads and n-quads-star.
- RdfIoException
- Description of RdfException
- RdfXmlParserState
- RdfXmlParser
- Streaming RDF-XML parser. Fast and with low memory footprint.
- RdfXmlSerializer
- Simple RDF-XML serializer. It is optimized for speed and low memory footprint.
- ResourceWrapper
- A wrapper for a resource providing it with a PSR-7 StreamInterface API.
- TriGParser
- Description of Parser
- TrigSerializer
- Serializes to TriG and Turtle formats
- Util
- Provides static factory methods for plug&play parsers/serializers creation.
- StreamSkipBomTrait
- Description of StreamSkipBomTrait
- TmpStreamParserTrait
- Description of TmpStreamTrait
- TmpStreamSerializerTrait
- Description of TmpStreamSerializerTrait