
DatasetInterface extends QuadIteratorAggregateInterface, ArrayAccess, Countable, Stringable

Main, edge(quad) and Dataset-oriented Dataset API




\ArrayAccess<QuadInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|callable|int<0, 0>, QuadInterface>

Table of Contents


add()  : void
Adds quad(s) to the dataset.
any()  : bool
Checks if any quad in the dataset matches a given filter.
copy()  : DatasetInterface
Creates a copy of the dataset.
copyExcept()  : DatasetInterface
Creates a copy of the dataset.
delete()  : DatasetInterface
In-place removes quads from the dataset.
deleteExcept()  : DatasetInterface
In-place removes quads from the dataset.
equals()  : bool
every()  : bool
Checks if all quads in the dataset match a given filter.
factory()  : DatasetInterface
forEach()  : void
In-place modifies all dataset quads using a given callback.
getGraph()  : TermInterface|null
Fetches graph of a first quad matching a given filter or null if no quad matches the filter.
getGraphValue()  : mixed
Returns result of calling the getValue() method on a subject of a first quad matching a given filter or null if no quad matches the filter.
getIterator()  : QuadIteratorInterface
Returns QuadIteratorInterface iterating over dataset's quads.
getObject()  : TermInterface|null
Fetches object of a first quad matching a given filter or null if no quad matches the filter.
getObjectValue()  : mixed
Returns result of calling the getValue() method on a subject of a first quad matching a given filter or null if no quad matches the filter.
getPredicate()  : TermInterface|null
Fetches subject of a first quad matching a given filter or null if no quad matches the filter.
getPredicateValue()  : mixed
Returns result of calling the getValue() method on a subject of a first quad matching a given filter or null if no quad matches the filter.
getSubject()  : TermInterface|null
Fetches subject of a first quad matching a given filter or null if no quad matches the filter.
getSubjectValue()  : mixed
Returns result of calling the getValue() method on a subject of a first quad matching a given filter or null if no quad matches the filter.
listGraphs()  : TermIteratorInterface
Fetches an iterator over unique set of dataset quad graphs optionally matching a given filter.
listObjects()  : TermIteratorInterface
Fetches an iterator over unique set of dataset quad objects optionally matching a given filter.
listPredicates()  : TermIteratorInterface
Fetches an iterator over unique set of dataset quad predicates optionally matching a given filter.
listSubjects()  : TermIteratorInterface
Fetches an iterator over unique set of dataset quad subjects optionally matching a given filter.
map()  : DatasetInterface
Returns a new dataset from quads processed with a given callback function.
none()  : bool
Checks if no quad in the dataset matches a given filter.
offsetExists()  : bool
Checks if a given offset exists.
offsetGet()  : QuadInterface
Returns a quad matching the $offset.
offsetSet()  : void
Assigns a new value to the quad matching the $offset.
offsetUnset()  : void
Removes a quad matching the $offset.
reduce()  : mixed
Performs a reduce operation on the dataset quads.
union()  : DatasetInterface
Returns a new dataset being a union of the current one and the $other one.
xor()  : DatasetInterface
Returns a new dataset being a symmetric difference of the current dataset and the $other one.



Creates a copy of the dataset.

public copy([QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable|null $filter = null ]) : DatasetInterface

If $filter is provided, the copy contains only quads matching the $filter.

The $filter can be specified as:

  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadCompareInterface (e.g. a single Quad)
  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadIteratorInterface or the \rdfInterface\QuadIteratorAggregateInterface (e.g. another Dataset)
  • A callable with signature fn(\rdfInterface\QuadInterface, \rdfInterface\DatasetInterface): bool All quads for which the callable returns true are copied.

An in-place equivalent of a call using the $filter is the deleteExcept() method.

$filter : QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable|null = null
Return values


Creates a copy of the dataset.

public copyExcept(QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable $filter) : DatasetInterface

If $filter is provided, the copy contains only quads not matching the The $filter.

The $filter can be specified as:

  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadCompareInterface (e.g. a single quad)
  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadIteratorInterface or the \rdfInterface\QuadIteratorAggregateInterface (e.g. another dataset)
  • A callable with signature fn(\rdfInterface\QuadInterface, \rdfInterface\DatasetInterface): bool All quads for which the callable returns true are copied.

An in-place equivalent of a call using the $filter is the delete() method.

$filter : QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable
Return values


In-place removes quads from the dataset.

public delete(QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable $filter) : DatasetInterface

All quads matching the $filter parameter are removed.

The $filter can be specified as:

  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadCompareInterface (e.g. a single quad)
  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadIteratorInterface or the \rdfInterface\QuadIteratorAggregateInterface (e.g. another dataset)
  • A callable with signature fn(\rdfInterface\QuadInterface, \rdfInterface\DatasetInterface): bool All quads for which the callable returns true are copied.

An immputable equivalent is the copyExcept($filter) method.

$filter : QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable
Return values

a dataset containing removed quads.


In-place removes quads from the dataset.

public deleteExcept(QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable $filter) : DatasetInterface

All quads but ones matching the $filter parameter are removed.

The $filter can be specified as:

  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadCompareInterface (e.g. a single quad)
  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadIteratorInterface or the \rdfInterface\QuadIteratorAggregateInterface (e.g. another dataset)
  • A callable with signature fn(\rdfInterface\QuadInterface, \rdfInterface\DatasetInterface): bool All quads for which the callable returns true are copied.

An immputable equivalent is the copy($filter) method.

$filter : QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable
Return values

a dataset containing removed quads.


In-place modifies all dataset quads using a given callback.

public forEach(callable $fn[, QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable|null $filter = null ]) : void

All quads matching the $filter parameter are modified.

The $filter can be specified as:

  • null which matches all quads.
  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadCompareInterface (e.g. a single quad)
  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadIteratorInterface or the \rdfInterface\QuadIteratorAggregateInterface (e.g. another dataset)
  • A callable with signature fn(\rdfInterface\QuadInterface, \rdfInterface\DatasetInterface): bool All quads for which the callable returns true are copied.

If the callback returns null, the quad should be removed from the dataset.

$fn : callable

a callback with signature fn(\rdfInterface\Quad, \rdfInterface\Dataset): \rdfInterface\Quad|null modyfying a single quad

$filter : QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable|null = null


Returns QuadIteratorInterface iterating over dataset's quads.

public getIterator([QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable|null $filter = null ]) : QuadIteratorInterface

If $filter is provided, the iterator includes only quads matching the filter.

$filter can be specified as:

  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadCompareInterface (e.g. a single Quad)
  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadIteratorInterface (e.g. another Dataset)
  • A callable with signature fn(\rdfInterface\QuadInterface, \rdfInterface\DatasetInterface): bool All quads for which the callable returns true are copied.
$filter : QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable|null = null
Return values


Returns a new dataset from quads processed with a given callback function.

public map(callable $fn[, QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable|null $filter = null ]) : DatasetInterface
$fn : callable

function applied to every quad with signature fn(QuadInterface, DatasetInterface)

$filter : QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable|null = null
Return values


Checks if a given offset exists.

public offsetExists(QuadCompareInterface|callable|int<0, 0> $offset) : bool

The offset can be specified as:

  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadCompare interface.
  • A callable with the fn(\rdfInterface\Quad, \rdfInterface\Dataset): bool signature. Matching quads are the ones for which the callable returns true. If more than one quad is matched \UnexpectedValueException must be thrown.
  • 0. This is a shorthand syntax for checking if the dataset is empty.

If the $offset is specified differently, \UnexpectedValueException is thrown.

If exactly one quad is matched, true is returned.

If no quad is matched, false is returned.

If the $offset matches more than one quad, \rdfInterface\MultipleQuadsMatchedException is thrown.

$offset : QuadCompareInterface|callable|int<0, 0>
Return values


Returns a quad matching the $offset.

public offsetGet(QuadCompareInterface|callable|int<0, 0> $offset) : QuadInterface

The $offset can be specified as:

  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadCompare interface.
  • A callable with the fn(\rdfInterface\Quad, \rdfInterface\Dataset): bool signature. Matching quads are the ones for which the callable returns true.
  • 0 Returns any single quad. The main use case is enabling the $dataset[0] ?? $defaultQuad syntax for "unpacking" a dataset containing one or zero quads. As quads within a dataset don't have order, it makes no sense to access them using other integer offsets and an attempt of doing so must throw an \UnexpectedValueException.

If the $offset is specified differently, \UnexpectedValueException is thrown.

If the $offset is 0 and the dataset is not empty, any quad is returned.

If exactly one quad is matched, it is returned.

If the $offset matches more than one quad, \rdfInterface\MultipleQuadsMatchedException is thrown.

If the $offset matches no quads, \UnexpectedValueException is thrown.

$offset : QuadCompareInterface|callable|int<0, 0>
Return values


Assigns a new value to the quad matching the $offset.

public offsetSet(QuadCompareInterface|callable|null $offset, QuadInterface $value) : void

Offset can be specified as:

  • null which is just a shorthand to add($value)
  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadCompare interface. If more than one quad is matched \UnexpectedValueException must be thrown.
  • A callable with the fn(\rdfInterface\Quad, \rdfInterface\Dataset): bool signature. Matching quads are the ones for which the callable returns true. If more than one quad is matched \UnexpectedValueException must be thrown.

If the $offset is specified differently, \UnexpectedValueException is thrown.

If the $offset is null, a new quad is added to the dataset.

If exactly one quad is matched by the $offset, it is updated.

If the $offset matches more than one quad, \rdfInterface\MultipleQuadsMatchedException is thrown.

If the $offset matches no quad, \UnexpectedValueException is thrown.

$offset : QuadCompareInterface|callable|null
$value : QuadInterface


Removes a quad matching the $offset.

public offsetUnset(QuadCompareInterface|callable $offset) : void

Offset can be specified as:

  • An object implementing the \rdfInterface\QuadCompare interface.
  • A callable with the fn(\rdfInterface\Quad, \rdfInterface\Dataset): bool signature. Matching quads are the ones for which the callable returns true.

If the $offset is specified differently, \UnexpectedValueException is thrown.

If the $offset matches more than one quad, \rdfInterface\MultipleQuadsMatchedException is thrown.

If exactly one quad is matched, it is removed.

If no quad is matched, nothing happens.

$offset : QuadCompareInterface|callable


Performs a reduce operation on the dataset quads.

public reduce(callable $fn[, mixed $initialValue = null ][, QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable|null $filter = null ]) : mixed

The reduce operation consist of calling a given callback function on all matching quads. The first call is made with the $initialValue passed as the callback's $prevValue. Following calls pass previous callback's call return value as the next callback's call $prevValue. The return value of the last callback function call is the return value of the reduce() method.

$fn : callable

aggregate function with signature fn(mixed $prevValue, QuadInterface, DatasetInterface)

$initialValue : mixed = null
$filter : QuadCompareInterface|QuadIteratorInterface|QuadIteratorAggregateInterface|callable|null = null

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